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The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right now is the moment in which all of us must act, and this needs to reflect in both our temperaments and our actions. Just wishing for it doesn't make it true. It doesn't make it real. And every company across the world needs to take this into consideration, too. It's not just about the individual. It's about the community.

With these words spoken, we can understand the first few aspects of the individual process and then move on to what companies can do from this point forward to become more environmentally friendly and conscious.

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One of the main aspects you can start on from this exact moment is to drive less. Instead, try using a bike to get to your destination or walk. If possible, of course. Were you meeting your friends in a couple of hours? Why not just walk there and prepare in advance? This is something that can be achieved easily as long as the distance isn’t extreme.

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Recycling is also a very impactful choice and action. Start by disposing of your waste in different bins around the house so you can always associate it with a different material. This is just something to help, of course, you can always sort through everything at the end of the week if you so wish.

Preformated Text

Esto es texto preformateado, un ejemplo de como quiero poner un parrafo escrito con una fuente que simule estar escrito en máquina de escribir antigua.

Esto servirá, por ejemplo, para poner referencias o textos custom que no sean directamente el artículo en si, por ejemplo, cuando escriba sobre un texto que he escrito, el artículo pondrá cosas relativas al mismo, pero luego si quiero escribir texto o parrafos, lo podré poner con este estilo de fuente.

De todas formas no hagamos mucho caso a este parrafo ya que solo es una prueba para configurar la fuente y ver como queda.

Code Block

   * Función de prueba
  $a = 0;

  function saludar($nombre) {
    print "Hola ".$nombre;



Download Card

Warcraft Legends
El último guardián
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Animi architecto asperiores, assumenda at beatae dicta eum illo ipsum.
Size: 3MB
Size: 5,1MB

El último guardián

Warcraft Legends
El crepusculo del infinito
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Animi architecto asperiores, assumenda at beatae dicta eum illo ipsum.
Size: 3MB

El crepusculo del infinito

Video Card

El señor de los anillos
La comunidad del anillo

-- End of Test Page --

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